在播出二十年之际开始看久仰大名的吉尔莫女孩然后在ins上看39岁左右的主演们现在的样子唏嘘不已牛仔裤的夏天使女的故事(南瓜堆旁的Rory带着白色使女帽久久久亚洲熟妇熟女ⅩXXX网站直接穿越20年)15季的邪恶力量Cinderella的故事…默默mark下了纽约时刻(这些小时候看过的片子现在重温会是怎么样的感受)one tree hilldawson creek. 对话词汇太丰富了编剧的语言风格自成一派
There was a green card you offered me but I'd rather come back and "live the life that belongs to me". The gulf between us is as deep as the love we are in. The cruelty of the world is its beauty at the same time. How unspeakable the relationship is equals how perfect it is.